Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2017

Download Firmware Evercoss TC2 Serta Tutorial 100% Tested

Starting from the Evercoss constraint TC2 died without cause, I tried flashing the firmware to use with extension *.BIN of a successful outcome

If you want to try it, please download the required supplies in advance under the order to run smoothly.

Cara Flash Evercoss TC2 Tested

This is the device user that they return to us for us to send it to service center, but I tried it turned out to be not in vain

(Read) : All firmware Evercoss link google drive free for all

How to flash Evercoss TC2

1- Open GPG Dragon V3.53C-nya (Turn off Antivirus)
2- Setting for port to 'USB' and Rate to '921600'
3- Tab Spreadtrum, set mobile option '6531A'
4- Add the firmware 'evercoss tc2 backup spd6531A.bin' from your PC
5- Insert Usb
6- Press 'Start' at GPG, and hold the centre button at your phone,  than insert battery
7- Waiting for installing driver and flashing procces.

8- Procces flashing done

download GPG Dragonnnn V3.53C

9- Remove the battery and usb cabble, than turn on it.

Walaupun bahasa yang digunakan campur-campur, anda bisa melihat settingan dari gambar. Dan caranya sama saja dengan cara flash hape lain, karena ini berekstensi *BIN maka kita coba gunakan tool GPG atau salah satu tool yang mendukung file bin tersebut.

Jika ada yang kurang mengerti, silakan ditanyakan di kolom komentar

Dan maaf, file ini bermahar ,,, karena tidak semua file disini gratis.

= Donasi pulsa 10k ke nomor =
'0852 610 20 345'
jika tidak masuk, silakan konfirmasi kembali via WA
tidak melayani telp.

Driver SPD (kalau sudah pernah flashing, abaikan saja)
GPG Dragonnnn V3.53C

2 komentar

kemarin nyoba yg tc1 tapi gk detek di 64bit padahal driver sdh terinstal kira2 salahnya di mana bang

cari cara disable signature di windows kang (googling aja)
