Stock Rom for android Axioo PICOphone M4N M3 under is free of charge, for extensions that PAC, because the chipset used is spreadtrum.
(Read ): Firmware Axioo PICOpad GGD B3 MTK MT6589
Hopefully the firmware Axioo PICOphone M4N M3 is useful for all visitors.
Axioo_PICOphone_M4N_SW01_07072015 [versi 1]
Axioo_PICOphone_M4N_SW01_07072015 [versi 2]
PICOphone_M4N_SW01_24072015_scx35_sp7731gea_lm_hd_fs031_project-user 4.4.2 KOT49H
Playstore APK (jika dibutuhkan)
Playstore APK (jika dibutuhkan)
NB : Versions 1 and 2 is same versions but different file and size at extract RAR
3 komentar
mohon solusi axioo picophone M4N (M3) tdk bisa buka Playstore stlh di-flash ROM diatas. trims.
Silakan download Playstore APK diatas, lanjut extract dan copykan ke SD Card atau Internal, lanjut instal seperti biasa
semoga berkah gan ilmunya